In the bustling town of Manokwari, located in the province of West Papua, a small madrasah is experiencing unprecedented growth thanks to the generosity of the local community. The Al-Hikmah Islamic boarding school, which was founded in 2005, has seen a surge in enrollment over the past few years, and it is all thanks to the support of the community.
The madrasah, which caters to students from kindergarten through high school, offers a comprehensive Islamic education in addition to the standard curriculum taught in public schools. The school has gained a reputation for its high academic standards and its commitment to instilling Islamic values in its students.
In recent years, the madrasah has seen a significant increase in enrollment, with more and more parents choosing to send their children to Al-Hikmah. This surge in enrollment has put a strain on the school’s resources, as it has had to accommodate the growing number of students while maintaining its high standards of education.
However, the community has stepped up to support the madrasah in its time of need. Local businesses and individuals have come forward with donations of money, supplies, and even their time to help the school continue to provide a quality education to its students. The generosity of the community has enabled the madrasah to expand its facilities, hire more teachers, and provide scholarships to students in need.
The growth of Al-Hikmah madrasah is a testament to the power of community support in fostering education and opportunity for young people. By coming together to support the school, the community of Manokwari has shown that they value education and are committed to investing in the future of their children.
As the madrasah continues to grow and thrive, it serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when a community comes together to support a common goal. The generosity of the people of Manokwari has fueled the growth of Al-Hikmah madrasah, and it is clear that the school will continue to play a vital role in the education and development of the town’s youth for years to come.